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{Testimonial} - Elise & Scott

"I cannot recommend this team enough if you're looking to get your money working FOR you. The peace of mind we have experienced since our financial decisions have been managed by Pivot is honestly astonishing. I'll never stop recommending them to anyone who will listen!"

Elise & Scott

{Testimonial} - Luke & Tahlia

“Pivot helped us get on the same page with our finances, plan for the future, and take the guesswork out of managing money. Now, there’s a lot more clarity and less stress — it just made everything easier."

Luke & Tahlia

{Testimonial} - Sara & Nick

“Pivot helped us purchase our first property, sort out our taxes, and set up our accounts to manage money efficiently. We paid for our wedding outright with no debt, bought our forever home, and planned for our family. Now, I know I can take a full year off work, which is just an incredible feeling.”

Sarah & Nick

{Testimonial} - Kate & John

“Pivot gave us the confidence to stay in Sydney, live the lifestyle we want, and plan for our family’s future. Now, we understand our financial position, have a clear action plan, and it’s exciting rather than overwhelming.”

Kate & John

{Testimonial} - Pip

“The biggest shift for me has been not worrying about big bills and knowing I have money set aside. Now, I feel comfortable about my future because I have savings, investments, and a clear plan.”


{Testimonial} - Celso

“I used to feel like my money was just sitting there, not working for me. Now, I know it is. Pivot helped me compare investment options, take control of my spending, and feel confident that my finances are being taken care of.”
